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Berry Lemon ACV Drink Recipe

ACV DRINK - Berry Lemon Apple Cider Vinegar Drink Recipe By Primally Inspired

Berry Lemon ACV Drink Recipe


You’ve most likely already heard about the amazing powers of Apple Cider Vinegar. From helping weight loss to preventing heartburn. From boosting energy to stabilizing blood sugar (really awesome for Type 2 diabetics!!!). From preventing tumors to lowering blood pressure. It’s kind of crazy what apple cider vinegar can do, right?!


And many of these health claims are even backed by scientific studies. Combine that with a lot of apple cider vinegar personal experience and I say this stuff is pretty legit. ACV is one natural remedy that I swear by!


It’s actually a running joke at my house. When someone asks me what natural remedy they should take for a particular ailment, my family and friends shout out before I can answer, “She’s going to say Apple Cider Vinegar!!!” And the funny part is they’re almost always right 😉


Headache? ACV

Stomachache? ACV

Heartburn? ACV

Acne? ACV

Sinus Troubles? ACV

Rash? ACV

Need some energy? ACV

Cramps? ACV

….I really could go on and on.


It’s pretty amazing stuff!  Just an FYI — make sure to get Apple Cider Vinegar with “The Mother,” which are strands of proteins, enzymes and beneficial bacteria.  THIS is the kind that I use — you can usually find it at most grocery or health food stores. 


But the not-so-great news is that apple cider vinegar has a really strong taste and smell.


A few years ago, after discovering all the benefits of ACV, I tried doing shots of ACV. Yep, pure shots of ACV before some of my meals (please don’t try that!). It lasted a whole…….week. And while I felt great that whole week (seriously, I felt so amazing that week!), the taste and smell were so strong that I literally couldn’t even stand to smell ACV for a whole year afterwards without it making me want to barf. 


But I couldn’t deny how amazing I felt when I consumed  a small amount of ACV daily, so I decided that I must create an apple cider vinegar drink recipe that I would actually enjoy. And this Berry Lemon ACV Drink is just the ticket. It’s super refreshing and it’s so delicious that I actually look forward to it each day.


Berry Lemon Apple Cider Vinegar Drink Recipe - Primally Inspired ACV DRINK


If you are like me and struggle with the taste of apple cider vinegar, but want to experience it’s many benefits, this drink recipe is for you!


In fact, it’s one of the best drinks you can drink for your health!


Berry Lemon Apple Cider Vinegar Drink Recipe! via Primally Inspired ACV DRINK


Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar (plus lemon!)

Here are some benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar (and lemon):

  • Strengthens Immune System (source)
  • Aids in Weight Loss (source)
  • Improves Digestion and Assimilation (source)
  • Helps Lower Cholesterol (source)
  • Stabilizes Blood Sugar Levels (source)
  • Reduces Body Fat (source)
  • Prevents Indigestion (source)
  • Boosts Energy (source)
  • Reduces Blood Pressure (source)
  • Protects against Cancer (source)
  • Relieves Nighttime Leg Cramps (source)
  • Clears Sinuses (source)
  • Helps Sore Throat (source)
  • Reduces Heartburn (source)
  • Improves Gut Function (source)
  • Helps the Body Remove Toxins (source)


Pretty awesome, right?!  


It’s best to drink this Berry Lemon ACV drink before your meal. That way it will aid in the digestion and assimilation process, prevent heartburn, and will help stabilize your blood sugar! I swear by this!


If you can’t stand the taste or smell of ACV, I hope my Berry Lemon ACV Drink recipe is just the ticket to get you to finally experience and enjoy the many health benefits of apple cider vinegar.


ACV DRINK - Berry Lemon Apple Cider Vinegar Drink Recipe from Primally Inspired


Are you an apple cider vinegar fan, too? Let me know the ways it’s helped you in the comments! Apple Cider Vinegar never ceases to amaze me so I’d love to hear how it’s working for you!

Easy Paleo Recipes & Holistic Living

Berry Lemon ACV Drink Recipe:

Berry Lemon ACV Drink Recipe
Serves: 1 serving
Berry Lemon Apple Cider Vinegar Drink from Primally Inspired
  1. Place the berries in the bottom of a cup. If you are using a sweetener, add that in now. Muddle the berries and sweetener with the back of a spoon.
  2. Add in your ACV and lemon juice. Fill the cup with ice and add in enough water to fill the rest of the cup. Stir and enjoy!

Pin Berry Lemon ACV Drink Recipe HERE:

ACV DRINK - Berry Lemon Apple Cider Vinegar Drink Recipe By Primally Inspired

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  1. Avatar

    Have just found your site this morning. Ive made a big bar of chocolate added some chopped fresh ginger and just had a tiny square oh so yummi. Made your drink as above but blended some black grapes so nice.
    I always take a pint glass of water to bed with ACV in it, every night, so used to the taste, will add a tiny bit of lemon now.
    I also use it as a toner on my skin. Rinse my hair give a great shine, and keeps my scalp free of dryness.
    Am busy making a list of ingredients so many recipes to try. Love the site will pass on to all my friends, many thanks xx

  2. Avatar

    You are AMAZING! I don’t know how you keep coming up with all of these wonderful ideas. I had just finished a juice, but I had to try this. I put all of the ingredients into the Vitamix and gave it a whirl, it was fizzing up like a soda when I poured it out and it tastes delicious…as well as all of the health benifits!…nice for those hot summer days. Thank you! PS DO you know how long Braggs stays in date?

  3. Avatar

    Another yummy way to drink it is with Berry herbal tea. Just make the tea really strong, pour into a jar, add lime juice, sweetener (if desired), ACV, and ice. Shake it up and it tastes like cherry limeade!

  4. Avatar

    WOW! I have been trying to drink ACV and having a hard time getting around the taste and the smell! Mixed up this drink and it is delicious. Thanks for posting this!

  5. Avatar

    Wow, I can’t wait to try this! I am a huge fan of ACV, and always have a big bottle of Bragg’s on hand. My grandmother used ACV for everything, especially a sore throat. If my kids or husband get a sore throat, I mix ACV and raw honey with water and they sip it through the day. It never fails. The berries and lemon sound like a great addition. It could be a good alternative to my afternoon iced coffee with coconut milk.

      • Avatar

        Just had to get back to you and tell you how much I LOVE this. Reminds me of kombucha but much easier. (I made my own for awhile but it got totally out of control!) I used frozen organic blueberries and a tiny bit of liquid stevia to sweeten. So delicious and refreshing.

        • Kelly from Primally Inspired

          Awesome!!! It does remind me of kombucha, too! I was a kombucha making fool all last summer (I still have my SCOBY in the closet and it’s HUGE – the size of a football lol), but I realized kombucha wasn’t really doing my body any good. I started noticing some negative things from it so I stopped drinking it. It turns out, I had a yeast overgrowth (super common! I’ll blog about it soon) and the kombucha was helping feed it (also super common – a lot of holistic practitioners actually really dislike people drinking daily kombucha for this reason – I didn’t know that before!). I’ve been on a candida cleanse and wow, what a difference! Daily Apple Cider Vinegar is highly recommended on candida cleanses to kill off the candida and bad bacteria. So this drink is like the best of both worlds to me 🙂 So glad you like it!

          • Avatar

            I have an overgrowth of candida also. I want to make this, but I am super rushed and busy everyday. Could I make this at night, put it in the refrigerator, and drink it in the morning? Or would it be too bitter by then?

        • Avatar

          I am trying to add more fermented foods into my diet. Would this apple cider drink be considered an alternative to kombucha? I am not a fan of sauerkraut and other fermented vegetables and turned to kombucha to get some good gut bacteria. However, I don’t like the sugar content in most commercially available brands and am not ready to start making my own. I tried this recipe and really love it. So, apple cider vinegar- fermented food or not?

  6. Avatar

    It’s funny you posted this right now, since just this week I started adding apple cider vinegar to my daily water/psyllium husk mixture. I’ve known about the benefits of ACV for a few years, but I haven’t gotten into the habit of drinking it regularly. So this recipe will really come in handy! I’ll buy lemons today!

    I can’t believe you were taking shots of pure ACV! It’s too acidic to drink straight; you can burn your throat! It has to be diluted. I think I read a tablespoon of ACV should be diluted in eight ounces of another liquid.

  7. Avatar

    What a great idea… Im going to try it right now. 🙂 I usually have a glass of ACV with honey in warm water before bed but this sounds refreshing for before lunch time in middle of a hot day! Thank you for these wonderful recipes.

  8. Avatar

    Yum! Can’t wait to try this. When I first started using ACV, I took shots too. Lately, I’ve been mixing it with lemon ginger tea and stevia.

  9. Avatar

    Thank you Kelly for this wonderful recipe. I’m going to try it this evening and hope to get my husband to try it as well. Think the combination of all including the ACV is a great thing to have in our arsenal.

  10. Avatar

    Hi Kelly! I started taking ACV about a year ago. I love it! I just mix 1 tablespoon ACV, teaspoon Maple syrup and about 4 oz of water. It makes me feel better when I remember to take it! Thanks for the great recipe.

  11. Avatar

    Really love this blog Kelly! Thank you so much for sharing.
    A simple question: apple cider vinegar is the same that apple vinegar?

  12. Avatar

    Hi Kelly,
    This looks good! What size cup do you use? 16 oz?


  13. Avatar

    I gave this a try yesterday. It wasn’t bad. I could still taste the acv but wasn’t like the normal punch in the face-ha! I’m going to try blending up the raspberries, honey, acv and lemon before adding the water and ice.
    How much acv would one have to consume daily to get the boosted energy benefits?
    Thanks for sharing this. I love your post.

  14. Avatar

    Did not have any ice ready but decided to make it anyways….not bad at all. Just put it in the fridge to get it colder. Might add some stevia. Will be a refreshing drink this afternoon. Thank you so much for sharing!

  15. Avatar

    Thank you so much for this recipe! I’m pregnant currently with twins and have the most awful heartburn. I’ve tried doing the shots before and it helps, but wow is it horrible to get down! I haven’t been able to find a more natural way to deal with heartburn, so I am thrilled to have tried this and truly ENJOY it. And bonus, more benefits for the babies too!

  16. Avatar

    Just saw this recipe for ACV with lemon and berries today and I made it this evening. I used a couple of frozen raspberries and blueberries and I loved it. It’s very refreshing! I am so thankful to have finally found a way to get ACV into my diet. Thank you! Thank you!

  17. Avatar

    Can you use regular apv in the drink and add more than 2 tbls of fruit?

    • Kelly from Primally Inspired

      Hi Cheryl, Yes you can add more than 2 tablespoons of fruit. The large majority of beneficial properties of apple cider vinegar are mostly because of the mother, so I would stick to getting ACV with the mother. The other apple cider vinegars have been pasteurized, killing off those beneficial enzymes.

  18. Avatar

    Hi Kelly have never taken ACV. Have been hearing about all the health benefits, would I have this just once daily and does it matter at what time of day. Thanks in advance

    • Kelly from Primally Inspired

      Hi Evie! I personally just drink this once a day. I take it either before my lunch or before my dinner. It does give me an energy boost so I try not to drink it too late in the evening. The general recommendation for how much acv to take daily is 1 tablespoon. If someone has heartburn or digestive issues, they may see a benefit in drinking this drink before every meal and then lessening the amount they drink it as their conditions improve to just once a day. In the past, it really helped my digestive issues when I took 1 tablespoon of acv before every meal. Hope that helps!

  19. Avatar

    Sounds yummy! I will have to give it a try. I have been drinking 8 ounces of water with 2-3 tsp of Bragg’s ACV each morning before breakfast. I actually enjoy it without any honey or sweeteners. It has kept me off medication for “stomach sizzle”! Adding berries and lemon juice sounds like a refreshing summer afternoon drink, a nice alternative to iced tea!

  20. Avatar

    I’m one of those people that can’t stand the taste of ACV so I don’t drink it ever despite its many benefits. I will have to try this. Thanks for the recipe!

  21. Avatar

    Ok, I saw this on Facebook the other day, and since I’ve been feeling pretty awful all around lately, I decided to try this. O. M. G. It is fantastic!!! I could seriously drink this all day long!! I absolutely love it – thank you so much for sharing it!!

  22. Avatar

    I had horrible acid reflex and medication was not working. I did a trial run of Braggs ACV and I have never turned back! I am so used to the taste of ACV that I can drink a tablespoon without even flinching. I actually have grown to enjoy the taste. Like you, I think vinegar is a cure all. This is a great recipe I can try with my boys. Thanks

  23. Avatar

    This sounds so delicious, can’t wait to try it tomorrow! Can you make a double batch to have some the next day? Or is it best fresh and consumed right away? Thanks

  24. Avatar

    Love this drink. I’ve been making 4x the batch in the blender then pouring into old GT kombucha bottles and leave in fridge so it’s always ready and cold. 8 months preggo and this has helped majorly with my heart burn. So far I’ve made it with raspberries and with blueberries.
    Everything that I’ve tried from your blog has been amazing. Last night I decided I’m going to try each thing you post. As long as I have the ingredients. Doing the coffee and coconut oil after the gym today.

    • Kelly from Primally Inspired

      You are awesome, Liz — thank you for all your kind words!! I hope you can find some keeper recipes that the whole family enjoys. So glad this is helping with the heartburn, too. Wishing you a healthy rest of your pregnancy! <3

  25. Avatar

    Thank you so much for this recipe! I have been taking ACV whenever I feel sickness coming on but I’ve started taking this drink daily. It’s been a week now and what a difference! I am 8 months postpartum and this drink has helped immensely with my emotional health as well as digestion. I’ve been free from horrible heartburn and acid reflux that had me popping Tums after every meal. I also feel that energy boost for sure. It has been a game changer for this momma of 3! Thank you!!!

  26. Avatar

    That’s sound healthy and delicious..I really want to have ACV but there’s no way I can buy here in my place..and in internet very expensive…so sad.

  27. Avatar

    Your recipe sounds great. I will be giving it a try for sure!
    I have been eating a clove of garlic and drinking it down with a swig of ACV out of the bottle every day.
    I have not had an all-out, put-me-on-my-rear cold since 2001.
    I swear by this!
    But your recipe sounds like it would be a nice change.
    Thanks for posting it.

  28. Avatar

    PS… The only thing my doctor advised is not to take the garlic/ACV on an empty stomach.
    Also, I am going to try your recipe for homemade ACV.
    Once again, thanks.

  29. Avatar

    Love ACV!!! It’s done wonders for my scalp and hair so thought “why not? Lemme try for the inside!” This drink was surprisingly good, however it still has that bite to it. Is it ok if I add more fruit? Also, how much ACV should I be ingesting per day for full benefits?

  30. Avatar

    I like this Berry Lemon ACV drink but I would like to know how many cups of this recipe do you drink daily?

  31. Avatar

    Good morning. Can extra be made and stored in the fridge for a couple of days?

  32. Avatar

    What if you don’t like raspberries or blueberries? Can an herbal tea be used instead?

  33. Avatar

    when consuming the ACV drink before meals, is it necessary to mix with berries and lemon. I like just the ACV and filtered water but if there’s some other benefit?

  34. Avatar

    Day 2 of your Lemon Berry ACV drink. Thank you.
    I had one drink yesterday and tried two today. The second one today was harder to drink. Ha. I’m sure my ratios were different. Is once a day ok or would you suggest more? Thank you for sharing.

  35. Avatar

    This sounds amazing. I have been trying to start drinking ACV but I just could not get past the taste and smell. I’ll be making this in the morning…. so fingers crossed 🙂 I’m also including it in my Summer Berry Recipe Round up!

  36. Avatar

    I love ACV. I have been drinking 2 tbsps with a little bit of honey and cinnamon and 8oz of warm water every morning (which actually tastes somewhat like apple pie!) and it has helped SO MUCH with my energy levels and heartburn. Your recipe sounds wonderful and I definitely want to try it!

  37. Avatar

    Really hate ACV…but this was pretty good! I have a lot of food allergies and skin conditions that are gut related and I’m trying to do all I can to help counteract the damage. Thanks for this recipe that made it a little easier!

  38. Avatar

    I have horrible heartburn, had surgery a year ago and now it’s back again :(. I’m going to try this before meals to hopefully help with my heartburn. I drink one regular can of soda a day and a ton of water and after trying this today I think it’s safe to say I can finally give up my soda and double bonus hopefully reduce my heartburn following meals. This is a delicious drink, so refreshing!!!!! I’m thrilled about getting rid of all those empty calories in my soda all the while still getting to have something flavored and super yummy with added health benefits. This is a definite must try people!!!!!

    • Kelly from Primally Inspired

      Chrissy, this makes my day!!! So glad to hear it’s helping kick your soda habit and I’m wishing you much healing from your heartburn issues. Thanks for leaving me a comment!

    • Avatar

      Chrissy, are your heartburn issues any better?

      I’ve recently been diagnosed with severe GERD, and it’s making my life miserable. NOTHING has brought me relief. I’m on a mission to heal my gut (because I know the Omeprazole I take probably isn’t helping my gut) and I’m doing my own research to find natural ways to treat it.

      Just curious.

  39. Avatar

    Like you, I was on a mission to try to take ACV without getting sick of it. I finally found my go-to. I use any of the Slender Stick flavors and I add 1 packet of stevia and 1-2TB ACV. Add some ice and you have a great-tasting, simple and refreshing drink. Note, I only use a couple of brands of stevia. Most of them don’t sit right with me. Try this and enjoy!

  40. Avatar

    Hi, I csan’t wait to try this! I’m finally gonna whip some up today, my question is can I make a big batch to keep in the fridge?

  41. Avatar

    I can’t wait to try this! Another thing that ACV helps with is Gallstone pain! I had the absolute worst gallstone attacks where I would be curled up on the floor for hours with zero relief. They would say I had to wait it out because nothing takes the pain away but that’s not true! Whenever I would feel an attack coming I’d drink about 2-4 tbs diluted in water and 30 minutes later the pain would be completely gone. I started drinking it daily and haven’t had an attack since! AMAZING STUFF FOR SURE!

  42. Avatar

    I can’t wait to try this! I use ACV to ease inflammation of arthritis and to fight bladder and kidney infections but I hate the taste. I also put ACV on pre-cancerous spots on my skin and even on skin tags. The pre-cancerous spots get a little blister and go away (I have been to a dermatologist who confirmed that they were successfully treated) and the skin tags turn black and fall off with out pain. For both of these, I put a small amount on a piece of a cotton ball on the places and cover with a bandaid.

  43. Avatar
    Kamaria Labrier

    What other kinds of sweetener can you use besides raw honey?

  44. Avatar

    What are Braggs?

  45. Avatar

    Just found my answer about Braggs. …it’s the name brand! Thx, hope I can find that specific kind

  46. Avatar

    can this be made in a larger quantity and just add the ice and water each day to your glass?

  47. Avatar

    Sweet! Thank you, I made this and my family really liked it! I did add a little honey to help with the ACV. My daughter doesn’t like raspberries, so I made her one with blackberries, which was really good too. We will be drinking this daily 🙂

  48. Avatar

    Thanks for sharing! I’ve had stomach and yeast troubles all my life and am so excited to try this! I’ve also learned if you have a yeast infection and put some in the bath water it helps to stabilize the pH in your body. (for this I usually don’t use with the mother )

  49. Avatar

    HI, I tried this, and it is GREAT! Thanks a lot , I can drink apple cider vinegar without the sourness! 🙂

  50. Avatar

    Delicious and refreshing! I’m going to be happy to drink this every day.

  51. Avatar

    HI Kellly,
    Do you know anything about ACV damaging enamel over time? I’ve heard it recommended to use a straw to spare your teeth. Thoughts? Experience? Thanks!

    • Kelly from Primally Inspired

      Hi Becca, Thank you for bringing this up! Yes, straight ACV is really acidic and like anything acidic, it can be damaging to your teeth over time. This drink is quite diluted, so it’s not nearly as bad, but drinking through a straw wouldn’t be a bad idea at all!

  52. Avatar

    I have been drinking it for 3rys, first just with watrr,not easy but doable. I read an article about it helping with muscle spasms. I had helped a friend lay a wood floor, oh how I hurt all over. Drank it that evening and woke up next morning to do daily chorse, critters, and walked to the kitchen then realized I just walked to the kitchen. LOL no pain and no real aches, shocking results. I have been adding one of the cranapple or cranberry mixed juices to it with water. That has helped me get it down, but maybe I am doing too much. You recommend just 1 Tbls?
    That should be much easier. Also for any of you with Fybromyalgia it helps a bit. Depend how bad you have it.

  53. Avatar

    Thank you for this post! I have been drinking lemon/ACV water warm as a tea over the cool fall and winter months and am so glad to have a new way to drink it for the warmer months! I just muddled up some raspberries picked fresh from the bush in my yard and am enjoying this lovely beverage right now! 🙂

  54. Avatar

    Is this freshly squeezed lemons for the 1 TBS? or bottled lemon juice?

  55. Avatar

    I used blueberries instead of the raspberries this morning and unsweetened peach tea instead of water this morning… Yum! Oh I do use a little stevia too.

  56. Avatar

    How often do you drink this and when do you drink this?

    • Kelly from Primally Inspired

      Hi Jen! I usually drink this about a half hour before dinner – for me, it’s really helped with my digestion. But you can drink it anytime – it makes a nice substitute for sugary beverages. If you are looking for digestive support, drinking it about 1/2 hour before meals can really help.

  57. Avatar

    OOPS! I’ve adding 2 tbsp of ACV! but it’s still good 🙂

  58. Avatar

    I had been drinking ACV off and on for over 30 years now. My dad got us on it when I was in high school, lately I started back every morning with 1 tablespoon of ACV and honey that is for my home town(best honey for allergies) 1 tabelspoon also and then half inch of warm water to help the honey. I do this first thing I. The morning before anything else. ACV has been area for a long long time. It also has antioxidants and helps boat memory etc….. Good stuff, been months of good drinking: lol.. Good luck to everyone who starts ACV!!!

  59. Avatar

    I just made my first glass this evening but I only had lime juice. It’s really tasty so tomorrow I’ll get lemon juice and compare. Thank you for the great recipe and all the ACV information.

  60. Avatar

    Wow, I need to try this for my husband, and myself! I have a question, though… How often do we have to drink this? Is it safe to drink everyday, or is it once a week, or every other day?

    Thanks :D!

  61. Avatar

    Thanks! I’m going to try this as soon as I can get to the store and buy some berries. I’ve drank ACV with honey and water in the past, my oldest daughter swears by it whenever she gets sick and my u ounces used to drink it at bedtime saying it helped her sleep.

  62. Avatar

    ACV will prevent and stop gallbladder attack. Taken it for years . Glad have recipe to make it easier to drink.


  63. Avatar

    ACV also prevent and stop gallbladder attack. I been drinking for years anytime of day and as much as I like. Especially if I eat red meat. Really helps me feel better. I trying to get off red meat. My body don’t like it. Glad to have this beverage to enjoy! Anna

  64. Avatar

    I just tried this and oh so yummy. Like drinking a lemonade. I put a squirt of stevia in mine. I have lots of reasons u list to try it. Looking forward to results. My husband tried mine and really likes it to. Thanks so much

  65. Avatar

    I started drinking ACV with water a few months ago for severe reflux. Then a bonus, i have had knee problems my whole life and was having a few weeks of severe knee pain, but after starting my ACV my knee pain was gone and hasn’t returned! Also helps keep my blood sugar regulated, I’m diabetic but not on medication because I control with diet and exercise. My A1C numbers are staying in a perfect range. I love mixing ACV with warm tea when in the cool months but look forward to trying this recipe with warmer months ahead. Not a fan of lemon so will definitely use lime! Thanks for the recipe, will be sharing with family and friends!

  66. Avatar

    ACV and warm water drink it in the morning and evening for yeast infection. Works great. I can’t w as it to try it your way.

  67. Avatar

    I usually do ACV, honey, lemon and warm water. It has so many benefits, but I originally started to keep my PH balanced.

  68. Avatar

    Hello! I’m very new to this! What other berries can I mix with the raspberries to give it more of a fruity flavor? I know I’m going to need that extra flavor kick. How about strawberries? Thank you in advance!

  69. Avatar

    I love this!!! I use organic frozen cherry’s. Since I have been drinking this, I noticed my taste buds have changed for the better. THANK YOU

  70. Avatar

    Just wondered if you should shake it up before each use to mix in the mother, or would that be necessary?

  71. Avatar
    Dilnaz Upadhyay

    Hi Kelly, just came across this pin & I must say the drink sounds awesome.
    Had a quick question. Can I use any other fruits, like pineapples, oranges, sweet limes etc or does it only have to be berries ?

  72. Avatar

    Thank you for this recipe. I have recently started on my weight loss journey, my husband suggested I try to drink apple cider vinegar. I didn’t think that I could stomach it but I have just mixed up my first batch and am happy to say that I didn’t mind it at all…lol quite refreshing! Thanks again!

  73. Avatar

    Just tried this and it’s delicious even without sweetener! So glad I found a recipe that doesn’t use surgery juices!

  74. Avatar

    I use ACV everyday! But I actually do take a shot that isn’t bad at all, it taste like an apple cider lemonade. I use a cap full of ACV, about a teaspoon of raw honey, I squeeze about a quarter of a fresh lemon, a dash of cinnamon and about a quarter of a cup of cold water. You can take this before every meal or do it once in the morning and once before sleep, like I do. It’s a shot so it takes no time to drink and no time to make. Even when you’re in a rush out the door, it takes second to make once you get the hang of it. It’s amazing!

  75. Avatar

    Has anyone lost any weight using this drink? I read all of the comments and didn’t find what I was looking for. I am really trying to reduce fat around my stomach/abdomin/pannis area. Will this drink help with that?

    • Kelly from Primally Inspired

      Hi Janice! My brother lost 30 lbs a few years ago just by incorporating ACV in his diet before meals. He used this drink most of the time, but sometimes when he was running out of time, he just took a tablespoon of ACV in water (yuck ha!). He said he did nothing else different – just added ACV before his meals. I was so impressed! I know it helps digestion and as a result of improved digestion, weight usually balances to a normal/healthy level…but honestly, I never expected 30 pounds of weight loss from him – that’s a lot!

      Side note — he started taking this drink because he was experiencing extreme heartburn and his doctor wanted to put him on medicine. He knew if he started the medicine that he’d probably be on it for life. He asked me for natural heartburn options and I suggested this drink before meals. He didn’t expect to lose all that weight, but it was a very welcome side effect for him AND his heartburn issues are nonexistent now. He was never a natural medicine kind of guy before this, but the ACV converted him 🙂

      Readers — Does anyone else have experience with weight loss from ACV? I’d love for you to comment!

  76. Avatar

    This is not a weight lost comment but it’s very interesting rhat ACV is not just for humans. In 2006 I inquired 5 chickens I read on a forum
    That adding 1 to 2 tablespoons of ACV to there water (1 GAL.)that it would help keep down parasites.. it did and I had very healthy, happY
    Chickens that laid the best eggs everyday.
    I’ve been making my own kumbutcha for about 8 years and also I would drink ACV mixed with water., but I’m excited about trying your recipe.
    It sounds delicious.

  77. Avatar

    Trying this with frozen blueberries. Thanks!

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