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How To Cook Perfectly Tender Grass-Fed Steak

How To Cook Perfectly Tender Grass-Fed Steak

Learn how to cook tender grass-fed steak by following these step by step directions!

How To Make Tender Grass-Fed Steak PrimallyInspired.com

Grass-Fed Steak is all the rage these days. And for good reason! Here’s just a few reasons why I choose grass-fed beef:


Grass-Fed Beef is Better Than Grain-Fed

Grass-Fed Beef is More Nutritious

Grass Fed Beef contains a far better nutrient profile than grain-fed beef. Pasture raised meat contains significantly higher Omega-3s, Vitamins like Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin C and contains higher levels of CLA (conjugated lineolic acid) and minerals.

Grass-Fed Beef is More Humane

Pasture raised cows receive plenty of fresh grass, clean air, sunshine and exercise and live like cows were meant to live. These are all critical elements denied of over 90% of our country’s farm animals today.

Grass Fed Beef is More Environmentally Friendly

Farms that raise pasture raised animals build quality soil, not deplete it. The cow manure from grass-fed cows becomes a natural fertilizer, not a major waste management problem like in factory feedlots.

Grass-Fed Beef is GMO & Antibiotic Free

Grain-fed cows have diets composed of genetically modified (GMO) corn and soybean products. Not only that, but cows fed grains suffer many digestive problems because cows aren’t designed to eat grain. A cows stomach is supposed to be a neutral ph. But when cows eat corn and grain, it creates an acidic environment in their stomach, making a very sick animal. An acidic stomach boosts E. coli and pathogen counts in the gut and encourages the spread of disease. As a result, the animals get sick and need antibiotics and medications.


The Secrets to Create Tender Grass-Fed Steak

How To Make Tender Grass-Fed Steak www.PrimallyInspired.com

Grass-fed beef is the clear winner on many counts, but you may have noticed that grass-fed steaks can be noticeably tougher than grain-fed. That’s because pasture raised cows get plenty of exercise resulting in thicker muscle fibers. They also take longer to “finish.” These factors can create tougher meat. Many people are excited about making their first grass-fed steak, only to be disappointed by a tough, chewy and rubbery steak. Yuck!


And I totally hear you! I had the same problem until I learned the secrets of making perfectly tender grass-fed steak. Now I’ll gladly share my secrets with you ๐Ÿ™‚  I have to thank Cooks Country, which is where I found this technique. Thanks to them, I have been cooking tender grass-fed steak ever since.


The secret is to use a liberal amount of salt to create a โ€œdry brineโ€ and then let the steak rest.  Salt is the agent that relaxes the tighten woven protein cells and helps break down the protein and fat. The results are a juicy, absolutely flavorful and tender grass-fed steak.


And don’t worry โ€“ you won’t be eating all that salt and it won’t taste like a salt-lick, I promise. Most of the salt will get washed away. Only a minimal amount of salt gets trapped inside. And this salt and any other spices and herbs you add get infused throughout the entire steak through osmosis. That makes every bite of your grass-fed steak oh-so-flavorful and tender. It’s absolute perfection!


Follow this technique to a T and you will have mouthwatering, perfectly tender grass-fed steak!

  How To Make Tender Grass-Fed Steak PrimallyInspired.com

Step by Step Directions on How to Make Tender Grass-Fed Steak

  1. Pick your steak โ€“ any steak will work, I promise!

  2. Season your steak with 1 teaspoon of coarse sea salt (find HERE) per side.

  3. Add any additional herbs or seasonings to both sides.

  4. Let steak sit for 1 hour per inch of thickness.

  5. Rinse the steak well.

  6. Pat both sides completely dry. (Very important!)

  7. Grill, cook or broil your steak using your favorite method (see my suggestions below).

  8. Season with pepper and add a pat of butter, ghee, duck fat or favorite fat of choice over top of the steak.

  9. Let sit for 5 minutes.

  10.  Enjoy eating your flavorful, juicy & tender grass-fed steak!


Suggestions On How To Cook Your Steak:

Cooking Suggestions for Grass-Fed Steak PrimallyInspired.com

There are many ways to cook a great steak. If you used the above technique, you’ve already infused the steak with abundant flavor and you’ve also already broken down the protein and fat to create a perfectly tender grass-fed steak. Now it’s up to you to pick a cooking method.


Here are some of my favorite steak cooking methods you can try:

Broiling in Oven:

Using A Cast Iron Skillet:

Using a Skillet & Finishing In The Oven:



Don’t forget to Pin this on Pinterest!

How To Make Tender Grass-Fed Steak PrimallyInspired.com


What’s your favorite way to season your steak? Have you had problems in the past cooking tender grass-fed steak?



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  1. Avatar

    I like this idea/method and will give it a try! I have had great luck with marinating grass fed steaks, it also tenderizes while imparting flavor. Here’s some ideas for marinating:

  2. Avatar

    Stupid question, I know, but what do you use to pat it dry? I don’t buy paper towels anymore… ๐Ÿ™

    • Avatar

      I suggest using clean dish towels, then rinse the towels, wring, and put aside.
      After you finish your meal, either do a load of linens and towels, or spread the towels to dry – and after they dry, place in the laundry bin.
      That’s what I do when I run out of my cooking paper towels. (I also use my dish towels as informal napkins! )

  3. Avatar

    After rubbing the salt and herbs in, do you let the steak rest outside the refrigerator or in? And if the answer is outside the fridge, isn’t that a risk in terms of bacteria? I would love to try this but am a bit scared for foodpoisoning….(been there, was terrible). Hope you don’t mind answering my question. Thanks!

  4. Avatar

    What about just pounding the steak?

  5. Avatar

    I’ve never brined steak but as someone who raises and butchers her own meat, I will say that the best thing is to let the animal hang for long enough after being butchered. The perfect amount of time is 3 weeks before you cut and store in freezer. It come out perfect no need to do anything fancy just cook it.

  6. Avatar

    How and where you let the steak rest? Thanks!

  7. Avatar

    Bacteria is not going to grow or thrive in this salt environment. It’s a natural preservative.

  8. Avatar

    Wow! Wow! Wow! Best grass fed steak ever! I have had TERRIBLE luck with our grass fed beef until I tried your method. Thanks so much. So glad I found this pin on Pinterest!

    • Primally Inspired

      I hear you, Rebecca! We had a tough time with ours at first, too until I tried this method. So glad it worked out for you!

    • Avatar

      This is an old comment, I know, but I just want to say that Cynthia sounds like an absolute wench. When youโ€™re the only one on this thread whose experience with the recipe was that negative, maybe itโ€™s time to take a good hard look at your own abilities.

  9. Avatar

    I just bought 1/8 of a steer and didn’t want to ruin the meat as I heard you have to use a low and slow method and was so glad for this additional information. I live in Texas but as I read down I was you were from PA! I grew up in Hanover. Made me smile. ๐Ÿ™‚ Such a small world, love that! Can’t wait to try!

  10. Avatar

    Interesting! We have been eating only grass fed beef for several years. My cholesterol went down to a healthy level when I started eating it and no corn fed. I also only eat grass fed butter, olive, walnut or peanut oil for my fats. I get a tender steak by using meat tenderizer sprinkled on and then I use a Jaccard. I learned about the Jaccard on an old Emeril Lagasse cooking show.

  11. Avatar

    My husband loves a marinade I use of garlic , Montreal steak seasoning and worcestershire sauce…would I dry rub the salt for an hour, rinse and do my liquid ?

  12. Avatar

    As a person that raises his own grass fed beef, has used nearly every butcher around in a 30-40 mile radius to cut it for my own table, it turns out the same, I’ve never had a tough cut of meat, whether thawed first, or putting over the heat frozen, without any special treatment marinating or being left to sit.. Supported by those who eat at my table, and those few who have bought my beef, I sometimes sell on the hoof for delivery to the butcher of their choice. The key is not cooking it too fast until its done through and better used as shoe leather, over speed cooking has the same results regardless what it was fed, and loses it’s health benefits too. For an frying excellent steak, put it in a hot skillet, searing both sides, then reducing the heat to cook slow, flipping it when blood start to seep out the top side, keeps the juices inside.

  13. Avatar

    I am a grass fed beef producer and a pretty good cook. If you have folks broil their 1 inch steak for 10 to 12 minutes, it will turn into shoe leather!!! From my experience, 5 min. On side one and two and a half to 3 min. on the second side will get you a medium rare steak. Slice into the thickest part to check for raw as opposed to proper pink.

  14. Avatar

    This was the worst steak I’ve ever cooked. Ended up with a salty, tough rib eye. You wasting not only my time but $25 worth of steak. I believe that if you are going to publish recipes on the internet, you have a responsibility to get it right and not waste (other people’s) resources. Think about the time and money you have wasted. Depending on how many people have filled your directions it could be more time than your lifetime and more money than you will ever make. A negative net contribution. Maybe you should do something else?
    Two things I won’t be doing again: cooking grass feded beef, reading your blog.

    • Kelly from Primally Inspired

      Cynthia, I’m so sorry it didn’t work out for you. I hate when recipes don’t come out like promised and I totally understand your frustration. I would be frustrated, too! I’m left a bit confused, though because we honestly make this steak using this method every weekend and have for years. It always comes out great for us. Truly. Perhaps you forgot to rinse the salt off the steak? Or left it on too long?

      Your comment hurt to read because I do put a lot of effort into the things I post and I only publish the very best recipes. All of my recipes even go through multiple recipe testers because I do feel a responsibility to the people who make my recipes. I take pride in my work and feel honored that many people can count on me and this site for great recipes. Again, I’m sorry this one didn’t work out for you. Take care.

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        Carol in Minnesota

        Kelly – wow, when I read this last comment, I just had to respond and tell you your method works really well! I don’t know what happened for that lady, but for me, your method makes my grass fed steaks just delicious, tender and juicy. Hang in there — your efforts are very much appreciated!

  15. Avatar

    Right now I have three vacuum packed (store bought) pkgs of ground grass fed beef.
    As Covid-19 precautions have those here in NY at home(thank God for that)…I wondered
    if I would use the same method with this ground beef? I’ll be making hamburgers and cooking
    in my Ninja XL MAX(Crisp) Air Fryer. ๐Ÿ™‚ Thanks…I googled about how to make grass fed beef
    tender as tonight’s burger was not anything I’ve experienced before – ha ha! Hope all are
    safe-being extra cautious(March 15-2020)…

    • Kelly from Primally Inspired

      Hi Nancy,

      I’ve never done this method with ground beef before…you’ve got me curious about it now ๐Ÿ™‚ When we cook burgers, we always finely chop a small onion and add it to the burger meat. We’ve found that the onion makes it a lot more tender and obviously, adds some good flavor. My husband is the burger cooker at our house and he seasons it well (usually just garlic powder, onion powder and smoked paprika) and Worcestershire sauce. I think he makes the best burgers! I hope you have some better luck tonight with your burger!

      Also, just out of curiosity, did you get the grass-fed packages at Aldi? For the first time, I bought some grass-fed ground beef at Aldi since my butcher was out of stock. I couldn’t believe the difference – it was very tough!!

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