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Friday Favorites: Book Review Part 1 – The Nourished Metabolism


Friday Favorites: Book Review Part 1 – The Nourished Metabolism


I kept hearing about The Nourished Metabolism book in the blogisphere world and I wanted to see what was up with all the hype. I’ll admit, I’m a total geek at heart – I love to learn new things and I read more books in one week than most people do in a year. Health and nutrition books are my current top favs and I’m currently working my way through the shelves in our local library.


So in all honesty, I wasn’t expecting to be blown away by this book when I first started reading through the pages. But somewhere between the 3rd and 4th page, I got hooked. And I mean totally hooked. I read it all in one sitting and then read it again the next day to make sure I didn’t miss anything.


To say I loved this book would be a complete understatement. Right after I was done reading it, I seriously wanted to buy it for all my friends and family. And if I had the extra money or if it was around Christmas time, I really would have. I know so many of my friends and family are struggling with metabolic issues and I know this book would help them tremendously and give them a great start and a fresh perspective on how to get back on track.


I’m going to first give you brief summary about the book and then in Part 2 of my book review, I’ll give you glimpse into my personal life and explain why it resonated so much with me.


First things first, I’ll tell you about the book!


When you hear the word metabolism what is the first thing that comes to mind? If you are like me, you probably think of burning calories. When I think of metabolism, I also think that skinny people have a naturally high metabolism and obese people have a slower metabolism.


This is such a common misconception, though! Elizabeth Walling, the author and genius behind the book, tells us exactly what metabolism is and why it’s so important for yours to be functioning at it’s best. She explains in a very easy to understand way that metabolism is how every single cell in our body processes and uses energy. Every single cell! That means our brain, liver, digestive system, thyroid, and every other function in our body needs energy to function. That also means metabolic function is at the very center of our health! So not only is metabolic function so important but if you are not nourishing your metabolism and giving it what it needs to do it’s job properly, you will experience long term health consequences.


We live in a world where it’s really hard to nourish our metabolism like we should and many of us experience symptoms of poor metabolic function like mood swings, cold feet, dull skin, insomnia, unable to handle stress well, and poor digestion just to name a few.


Elizabeth shows us simple but effective ways to nourish our metabolism and her often surprising suggestions can bring powerful, life changing results! And her ideas might seriously surprise you. Hint: real butter and less exercise – sounds good to me 😉 

I also want to mention that there are 12 entire pages filled with scientific references in the back so if you think some of those ideas are far-fetched, think again. She backs them up with sound, concrete scientific research.


Here are some of my favorite gems that you’ll learn in this book:


Seek out and destroy the hidden causes of stress in your life. She shows us some hidden stresses that you’ve probably never even considered as stresses that are seriously damaging our health.


End digestive problems like bloating, constipation, and food intolerances. If you feel bloated or gassy after eating, this is not normal and a sign that your body is not digesting food properly. I had this problem for years and just thought it was normal! It’s NOT normal at all. She tells us why it’s happening and what we can do to fix it. When your digestive system is not working properly, this is a huge stress to your body.


Just say no to fad diets that don’t really work and seriously damage your health. This was one of my favorite parts in the book! Low calorie and low fat diets have some very serious consequences. She tells us why and what we should be doing instead. Again, her suggestions will surprise you!



Find out how to listen to your body’s biofeedback so you know what works for you. Another complete gem of a chapter in my eyes. She explains why diet dogma has got to go and that you need to start listening to what your own body is telling you – not some rules written down on a piece of paper of what you can and cannot eat from someone who doesn’t even know you. This is powerful stuff! You’ll absolutely LOVE this chapter!


I told you this book covers some amazing things 😉 Here’s a list of the chapters in the book:



One of the other major reasons I love this book so much is that Elizabeth has a very balanced perspective on health and nutrition. She does not subscribe to any one way of eating and encourages people to eat a wide variety of nutritious foods to see what foods work for us and what ones don’t. She shows us which foods reduce stress, promote healing and reduce inflammation so we can chose the foods that are best and right for us and our individual bodies.


If you want to learn more about metabolic health and how it impacts you, if you suffer from any symptoms of poor metabolic health, if you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, or if you are fed up with dieting, this book can change your life!


In part 2, I’m going to get personal and tell you why this book impacted me so much 🙂


Until then, if you’d like to purchase the book (you won’t regret it – in fact, after you read it, you’ll probably want to come back and purchase one for a loved one, too!), you can do so here:  http://bit.ly/thenourishedmetabolsm 

Almost forgot to mention one more cool thing! Now until May 31st, you will also quality for 35% off this book plus you will get a free bonus guide. Sweet! 🙂


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  1. Avatar

    JUST purchased this – actually scant moments ago, before I even checked my email and knew you had written a review. Isn’t it funny how life works this way sometimes? I enjoy the print version so I always have to send out to get it bound etc. I can’t wait to delve into this. I have thought and thought and pondered about this book and finally took the plunge just at the right time for you to tell me I made the right decision. So…thanks for the review!

  2. Avatar

    Cannot wait to read this! I’ve been sticking to a Paleo-inspired diet which initially caused me to drop a lot of weight, but as soon as I get stressed I tend to gain weight. It’s a vicious cycle I deal with. So, I think these two reads will be extremely helpful!

  3. Avatar

    Think I’ll check this out. Put on some weight during the holidays with poor eating, taken some of it off, but have been stuck at a plateau for months now, about 10 lbs above where I started before the holidays. I’m thinking it might have to do with stress, but nothing is working to take it off. Hopefully this will have some nuggests of wisdom.

  4. Avatar

    Would love to win thin have been stugging with metabolism ever since menopause left me in a tail spin, would also LOVE help sleeping

  5. Avatar

    Wow truly fascinating!

    I’ve had a few lots of major surgery over the last 6-8 months and a looooong recovery so I’d love to give this a read to help me get healthy!

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